Guide for Reuse, Repair, Recycling, and Safe Disposal
for Alameda County, Contra Costa County, and the City of Palo Alto


Broken mirrors and the broken shards contaminate curbside recycling; dispose of in them in the trash. Donate or reuse mirrors in good condition.


Vendor Address City Destination Disposal Method Notes
Alameda Repair Shop 2436 Webb Ave Alameda Repair Drop-off for a Fee custom made and repair
Free Oakland UP 2809 MacArthur Blvd Oakland Reuse Free Drop-off Good condition, small to wall hanging size
Salvation Army Store 1806 Linda Dr. Pleasant Hill Reuse Free Drop-off
Pleasanton Transfer Station 3110 Busch Rd. Pleasanton Landfill Drop-off for a Fee Broken.
Remoov & Reperch Reperch Consignment Store Location
2415 17th St
San Francisco Reuse Pick-up for a Fee, Buyback Pick-up
Remoov & Reperch Reperch Consignment Store Location
2415 17th St
San Francisco Recycle Pick-up for a Fee, Buyback Pick-up
Make It Home (San Rafael) NorthGate Mall (back entrance)
818 Northgate Dr
San Rafael Reuse Free Drop-off Working. Good condition (cannot exceed 3 ft wide or 3 ft tall. Wall art also accepted.
Make It Home (Walnut Creek) 1271 Boulevard Way Walnut Creek Reuse Free Drop-off Working. Good condition (cannot exceed 3 by 3 ft)

Curbside Service

Garbage Note
Place broken glass in paper bag or box and label "broken glass."
Castro Valley Sanitary District
Hayward (Oro Loma - L2)
San Leandro
San Leandro (Oro Loma - L3)
San Lorenzo (Oro Loma)
Unincorporated Oro Loma (L1)
Union City

RE:Source is an online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the California East Bay area and Palo Alto. Our goal is to connect you with the best options for what you need to get rid of or repair. Please note that we do not accept any items directly.

If you have questions or feedback about this directory, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

Additional Tools

  • Item Search
  • Vendor Search
  • Information for Vendors

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Brought to you by A public agency reducing waste in Alameda County since 1976.