Guide for Reuse, Repair, Recycling, and Safe Disposal
for Alameda County, Contra Costa County, and the City of Palo Alto

Computer Accessories - Working

Any item with one or more circuit boards or chips which connects to a computer system's central processing unit (CPU), includes monitor, keyboard, computer mouse, external hard drive, and printer.

Household Hazardous Waste

This item should never be put in a curbside bin. For more information visit our household hazardous waste page.

Consider donation for reuse and redistribution to local community members.


Vendor Address City Destination Disposal Method Notes
Goodwill (San Rafael) 809 Lincoln Ave San Rafael Reuse Free Drop-off
Goodwill (South San Francisco ) 225 Kenwood Way South San Francisco Reuse Free Drop-off
Goodwill (Vacaville) 1317 E. Monte Vista Ave Vacaville Reuse Free Drop-off
Goodwill (Valejo) 3475 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo Reuse Free Drop-off
Goodwill (Walnut Creek) 2536 N Main Street Walnut Creek Reuse Free Drop-off
Hope Services (Fremont) 37482 Fremont Blvd Fremont Reuse Free Pick-up
Iron Mountain (Oakland) 1350 W Grand Ave Oakland Recycle Pick-up for a Fee Destruction & shredding
Iron Mountain (Union City) Iron Mountain - Union City
29555 Kohoutek Way
Union City Recycle Pick-up for a Fee Destruction & shredding - media/back-up tapes, thumb drives, microfilm/fiche
Menlo-Atherton High School PTA 555 Middlefield Rd Atherton Reuse Free Drop-off, Free Pick-up
National Cristina Foundation 1584 East Madison Road Madison Reuse Free Drop-off Donations go to member of community of nonprofit refurbishers. Serving individuals with a small amount of equipment to large, complex donations as well as enterprise donations.
National Cristina Foundation 1584 East Madison Road Madison Repair Free Drop-off Donations go to member of community of nonprofit refurbishers. Serving individuals with a small amount of equipment to large, complex donations as well as enterprise donations.
Parca Parca Main Office
800 Airport Blvd, Suite 320
Burlingame Reuse Free Pick-up
RAFT - Resource Area For Teaching 1355 Ridder Park Dr San Jose Reuse Free Drop-off
RAFT - Resource Area For Teaching 1160 Kern Ave Sunnyvale Reuse Free Drop-off
RRR Computer 4096 Piedmont Ave
Suite 332
Oakland Reuse Free Drop-off, Free Pick-up Refurbish donated laptops and accessories to give to low-income K-12 students for education. PC laptops*, Mac laptops*, iMacs* (no desktops), iPhone 6 or higher, iPad 4th Gen or Higher, all PC and Apple power adapters *all computers must be newer than seven years old. Pick up for bulk equipment. and usb flash drives, blank cds and dvds, all PC power adapters and Apple adapters
Salvation Army (1500 Valencia St.) 1500 Valencia St. San Francisco Reuse Free Drop-off
Salvation Army (3921 Geary Blvd) 3921 Geary Blvd San Francisco Reuse Free Drop-off
Salvation Army (Alameda) 1918 Park St. Alameda Reuse Free Drop-off
Salvation Army (Oakland) 601 Webster St. Oakland Reuse Free Drop-off
Surplus Service 3090 Osgood Ct Fremont Reuse Pick-up for a Fee

Curbside Service

RE:Source is an online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the California East Bay area and Palo Alto. Our goal is to connect you with the best options for what you need to get rid of or repair. Please note that we do not accept any items directly.

If you have questions or feedback about this directory, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

Additional Tools

  • Item Search
  • Vendor Search
  • Information for Vendors

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Brought to you by A public agency reducing waste in Alameda County since 1976.