Welcome to RE:Source! Your online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the Bay Area. Although we do our best to stay up-to-date, information is constantly changing and we encourage you to call ahead to verify hours and availability.
Pleasanton Transfer Station - Pleasanton - 3110 Busch Rd.
Pleasanton Transfer Station
Daily 8-5
Drop-off until 4pm
The Pleasanton Transfer Station accepts all non-hazardous solid waste for a fee. Hard to handle items may be charged at a higher rate. In addition, heavy materials such as dirt, concrete, sod, rock, ect. will be weighed and charged by the ton. Customers will be asked to show their drivers license or a copy of their Pleasanton Garbage Service bill to verify City of Pleasanton residency for rate charge. Electronic waste such as televisions, computers, monitors, VCR, printers, fax machines are accepted for recycling at Pleasanton Transfer Station. The gatekeeper will direct you to a separate drop-off area. Fees are based on the item(s) - call or see website for details. For PaintCare CA items, see accepted/not accepted items.
Reuse Trailer - Free to donate/Free to take items home: Furniture, Art, Sporting goods, working small appliances, bed frames, bikes, and such. No bedding, linens, clothing, tires, liquids. Unload separately.floo
Materials not collected specifically for recycling, reuse or hazardous waste collection are landfilled. Nothing is pulled out for reuse, repair or refurbishing.
Item | Notes | Method | Destination |
6-Pack Rings |
ABS Plastic |
Agricultural Plastics & Film |
Air Conditioner - Non-working | Appliance fee plus freon fee. Separate for appliance drop-off |
Air Mattress |
Aluminum Foil & Pans - Clean |
Antifreeze | City Residents only - HHW drop off. |
Aseptic Packs |
Ashes - Grill/Fireplace |
Asphalt | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Audio & Visual Equipment - Non-working | separate for e-waste drop-off/free for residents - free for City residents only. |
Auto Glass |
Auto Parts & Scrap |
Auto Upholstery - Non-working |
Baby Furniture & Equipment - Non-working |
Barbeque Grill |
Bath Tub | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Bathroom Fixtures | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Batteries - Automotive or Boat | Lead Acid. Free for residents. |
Batteries - Household - Rechargeable (up to 5 lbs) | Free for residents |
Batteries - Household - Single-Use | Free for residents |
Batteries - Industrial | Free for residents |
Berry Baskets - Woven Plastic |
Beverage Containers - Mixed |
Bicycle - Non-working |
Bicycle - Scrap & Parts |
Bimetal Cans (Food & Beverage) - Non-CRV |
Blueprint Paper | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Boat Upholstery - Non-working |
Books - Children's |
Books - Hard Cover |
Books - Hard Cover - Non-working | Unusable condition |
Books - Soft Cover |
Books - Soft Cover - Non-working | Unusable condition |
Books - Textbooks |
Bricks | Separate for C&D drop-off area |
Bricks - Broken | Separate for C&D drop-off area |
Bubble Envelopes - Paper or Mylar |
Bubble Wrap |
Building Materials - Reclaimed/Reusable | Separate for C&D drop-off area |
Burlap |
Cabinets |
Cables & Wires - Non-working | Wire is recycled, cables are ewaste |
Cameras & Camcorders - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Cardboard | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Cardboard - Foil-lined |
Cardboard - Waxed | Can be included with organics |
Cardboard - Wet | Can be included with organics |
Carpet |
Carpet Padding |
Cars & Boats |
CD/DVD - Non-working/Non-commercial | E-waste |
CD/DVD Jewel Cases |
Ceiling Tile |
Cell Phones - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Ceramics & Pottery - Broken |
Ceramics & Pottery - Working |
Child Car Seats - Non-working/Expired/Accident |
Child Car Seats - Working/Non-Expired/Accident Free |
Christmas Lights - Non-working |
Christmas Lights - Working |
Christmas Trees | Separate for organics drop-off |
Christmas Trees - Artificial |
Cigarette Waste |
Cinder Blocks | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Cinder Blocks - Broken | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Cleaning Wipes - Used |
Clocks & Watches - Non-working |
Clocks & Watches - Working |
Cloth Diapers & Accessories |
Clothes Hangers - Broken |
Clothes Hangers - Metal - Working |
Clothing - Children's | Separate for drop-off at the donation box |
Clothing - Good Condition | Separate for drop-off at the donation box |
Clothing - Maternity & Nursing | Separate for drop-off at the donation box |
Clothing - Poor Condition | Separate for drop-off at the donation box |
Clothing - Undergarments - Poor Condition | Separate for drop-off at the donation box |
Coffee Pods - Compostable |
Coffee Pods - Metal/Plastic |
Collectibles |
Compostable Plastic Bags - BPI Certified Products |
Compressed Gas Cylinders - Refillable |
Compressed Gas Cylinders - Single-use/Non-working |
Computer Accessories - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Computer Monitors - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Computers - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Concrete | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Concrete With Rebar | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Construction & Demolition Debris | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Cooking Oil/Grease/Fats |
Copy Machines - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Corks - Natural |
Corks - Plastic/Synthetic |
CRV - Aluminum Beverage Containers | No buy-back |
CRV - Aluminum Beverage Containers | This item may have redemption value. Separate for recycle drop-off |
CRV - Bimetal Beverage Containers | This item may have redemption value. Separate for recycle drop-off |
CRV - Bimetal Beverage Containers | No buy-back |
CRV - Glass Beverage Containers | Separate for recycle drop-off |
CRV - Glass Beverage Containers | No buy-back |
CRV - Plastic Beverage Containers | No buy-back |
CRV - Plastic Beverage Containers | This item may have redemption value. Separate for recycle drop-off |
Dental Chair |
Dishwasher - Non-working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Disposable Diapers & Wipes - Used |
Doors |
Drums - Metal |
Drums - Paper |
Drums - Plastic |
Dryer & Vacuum Lint |
Drywall |
Egg Cartons - Paper - Clean |
Egg Cartons - Paper - Soiled |
Egg Cartons - Plastic |
Electronics - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Envelopes - Paper |
Espresso Machines |
Exercise Equipment - Non-working |
Eyeglasses |
Facial Tissues - Used |
Ferrous Scrap Metal/Steel | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Fire Extinguishers |
Fire Hoses |
Flooring - Non-working | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Flooring - Working |
Foam Padding |
Food Scraps |
Food Service Ware - Compostable Plastic - BPI Certified Products | Non-BPI Certified products like flatware, utensils, plastic-type cups & containers go to landfill. |
Food Service Ware - Condiment Packets & Cups |
Food Service Ware - Paper Products - Poly-coated | Lined hot cups and take-out containers go to landfill |
Food Service Ware - Paper Products - Uncoated |
Food Service Ware - Plastic Clamshells/To-Go Containers/Trays |
Food Service Ware - Plastic Cups & Plates |
Food Service Ware - Plastic Utensils |
Food Service Ware - Styrofoam Products |
Food Service Ware - To-Go Cup Lids |
Food Service Ware - Wood/Bamboo Products |
Freezer - Non-working | Appliance fee plus freon fee. Separate for appliance drop-off |
Freezer - Working | Appliance fee plus freon fee. Separate for appliance drop-off. |
Frozen Food Boxes |
Furniture - Non-working |
Furniture - Small - Working | Reuse Trailer |
Furniture - Working |
Game Cartridges - Non-working |
Gaming Systems & Accessories - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Garage Doors - Non-working |
Gel Ice Packs |
Gift Tissue Paper |
Glass Bottles & Jars (Food & Beverage) - Non-CRV |
Glassware - Decorative & Kitchen - Non-working |
Greeting Cards - Musical/Electronic Piece |
Greeting Cards - Unused |
Hair and Fur Trimmings |
Hardware & Fasteners |
Hazardous Materials & Wastes | HHW only - for city residents |
Helium Tanks - Non-empty |
Hoses - Garden/Rubber - Non-working |
Hot Tub & Accessories |
Houseware - Non-working |
Houseware - Working | Reuse Trailer |
Industrial Equipment | small items only |
Ink Cartridges |
Inks |
Insulation - Used |
Jewelry - Non-working |
Keys |
Kitchen Fixtures |
Knives & Shears |
Lab Equipment | Non hazardous |
Lab Glassware - Poor Condition |
Lab Glassware - Working |
Lab Plastics - Used |
Lacquers/Stains/Varnishes | PaintCare CA drop-off area - Residents only |
Lava Rock |
Lawnmower - Non-working | Make sure all liquids are taken out ie: gas & oil |
Lawnmower - Working | Make sure all liquids are taken out ie: gas & oil |
Leather Remnants & Scraps |
Light Bulbs - CFLs | HHW drop off - residents only. No broken items! |
Light Bulbs - Fluorescent Tubes | HHW drop off - residents only. No broken items! |
Light Bulbs - Incandescent/Halogen | HHW drop off - residents only. No broken items! |
Light Bulbs - LED | HHW drop off - residents only. No broken items! |
Lighting Fixtures - Non-working |
Linens/Blankets/Towels - Good Condition | Separate for drop-off at the donation box |
Linens/Blankets/Towels - Poor Condition | Separate for drop-off at the donation box |
Luggage - Non-working |
Luggage - Working |
Magazines |
Major Household Appliances - Non-working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Major Household Appliances - Working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Mannequins |
Manure |
Marine Supplies & Equipment | No Fluids |
Mattresses & Box Springs | Free mattress drop-off for City Residents only with a limit of 5 units per vehicle per day. Paid disposal for non-city residents and businesses. |
Medals/Trophies/Ribbons |
Medical Equipment & Surplus | Non hazardous materials only |
Metal Bottle Caps |
Metal Cans |
Metal Jar Lids |
Metal Pipe |
Metal Sinks & Toilets | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Microscopes & Accessories - Non-working |
Microwave - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Milk & Ice Cream Paper Cartons |
Mirror | Broken. |
Mixed Debris | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Motor Oil | HHW drop-off for residents only |
Multi-layer Plastic Packaging |
Nail polish - Empty |
Needles & Syringes | HHW drop-off for residents only |
Neon Lights | HHW drop-off for residents only |
Newspaper | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Non-ferrous Scrap Metal |
Office Chair |
Office Furniture/Equipment - Working |
Oil Filters | HHW drop-off for residents only |
Oil-filled Heaters - Non-working | Appliance |
Oxygen Cylinders |
Packing Peanuts - Starch-based |
Packing Peanuts - Styrofoam |
Paint - Interior & Exterior - New/Unopened | See PaintCare CA accepted/not accepted items and call to confirm space and current open hours. |
Paint - Interior & Exterior - Used/Wet | See PaintCare CA accepted/not accepted items and call to confirm space and current open hours. |
Paint Cans & Buckets - Empty & Dry | Empty and dry cans and buckets only. |
Pallets - Plastic - Reusable |
Pallets - Wooden - Broken | C&D |
Paper | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Paper - Carbon |
Paper - Plastic Laminated |
Paper - Shredded | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Paper Bags | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Paper Bags - Polycoated |
Paper Receipts - Thermal |
Paper Straws |
Paper Towels & Napkins |
Paperboard Boxes/Tubes | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Personal Care & Beauty Product Packaging |
Personal Care & Beauty Products - New/Unused |
Personal Care & Beauty Products - Used |
Phonebooks | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Photographs & Photo Paper |
Pianos and Organs - Non-working |
Pill Bottles |
Pillows - Bed |
Pillows - Decorative |
Pillows - Poor Condition |
Pizza Box - Greasy |
Pizza Box - Non-greasy |
Plant Pots - Broken Ceramic/Terra Cotta |
Plant Pots - Ceramic |
Plant Pots - Plastic |
Plastic Bags |
Plastic Bottles & Jugs - Non-CRV |
Plastic Bubble Envelopes |
Plastic Bucket | Separate for recycle drop-off |
Plastic Corrugated Signs |
Plastic Film & Wrap |
Plastic Lids & Caps - Bottles and Jars |
Plastic Packaging - Blisterpak |
Plastic Shower Curtain Liners |
Plastic Strapping |
Plastic Straws |
Plastic Tarps |
Plastic Wide Mouth Container |
Plate Glass |
Plexiglass |
Plumbing Fixtures & Supplies |
Polyester Batting/Filling |
Pool Cover - Non-working |
Porcelain Toilets & Sinks | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Pots & Pans - Non-working |
Pots & Pans - Non-working |
Pots & Pans - Working | Separate for reuse drop-off |
Printers/Faxes - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Propane Cylinders - 1 lb - Empty Single-use |
Propane Cylinders - 1 lb - Refillable |
Purses & Backpacks - Non-working | Clothes donation box |
Purses & Backpacks - Working | Clothes donation box |
Radios - Non-working |
Rags - Paint/Chemical/Oil Soiled | Paint Care drop-off |
Records |
Refrigerator - Non-working | Appliance fee plus freon fee. Separate for appliance drop-off |
Refrigerator - Working | Appliance fee plus freon fee. Separate for appliance drop-off |
Reusable Bags |
Rigid Plastics |
Rock/Gravel - Clean |
Roofing - Asphalt Composition Shingles | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Roofing - Clay Tile | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Roofing - Concrete Tile | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Roofing - Wood Shingles | Separate for C&D drop-off |
Roofing Materials - Reclaimed |
Rubber Bands |
Rubber Items |
Rugs & Mats - Non-working |
Sand |
Satellite Dish - Non-working |
Sawdust - Composite Wood/Painted Wood |
Sawdust - Untreated Wood |
Scrap Metal |
Sewing Machines - Non-working |
Shoes - Good Condition | Clothes donation box |
Shoes - Poor Condition |
Single-use Personal Protective Equipment |
Small Engines |
Small Household Appliances - Non-working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Small Household Appliances - Working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Soil - Clean |
Sponges - Natural |
Sponges - Synthetic |
Sporting Goods - Non-working |
Sporting Goods - Working |
Stove/Oven - Non-working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Straw/Hay | Separate for organics drop-off |
Stuffed Animals |
Styrofoam Blocks |
Styrofoam Sheets |
Tape |
Tea Bags |
Telephones |
Television - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off - free for City residents only. |
Tennis Balls |
Tents and Outdoor Gear |
Textiles - Good Condition/Size | Clothes donation box |
Tile |
Tires |
Tires - Bicycle |
Tools & Accessories - Garden - Non-working |
Tools & Accessories - Garden - Working |
Tools & Accessories - Hand - Non-working |
Tools & Accessories - Hand - Working |
Tools & Accessories - Power - Non-working |
Tools & Accessories - Power - Working |
Toys & Games - Non-working |
Toys & Games - Plastic Parts Only |
Toys & Games - With Electronics |
Toys & Games - With Electronics - Non-working |
Transparency Film Plastic |
Transport Containers - Reusable |
Trash Compactor | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Typewriters - Non-working |
Vacuum Cleaner Bags & Filters |
Vacuum Cleaners - Non-working |
VCRs/CD/DVD Players - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off |
Video Projectors - Non-working | E-Waste: separate for e-waste drop-off |
Washer/Dryer - Non-working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Water Bottles - Reusable |
Water Coolers - Non-working | Appliance fee plus freon fee. Separate for appliance drop-off |
Water Filters |
Water Heaters - Non-working | Separate for appliance drop-off |
Wax & Parchment Paper |
Wigs |
Window Screens | Recycle metal frames |
Window Treatments - Non-working |
Wood - Engineered/Composite |
Wood - Logs | wood is ground, sent out for treatment for land application |
Wood - Painted |
Wood - Untreated | wood is ground, sent out for treatment for land application |
Wood Chips | wood is ground, sent out for treatment for land application |
Wood Scraps - Untreated | wood is ground, sent out for treatment for land application |
Wrapping Paper - Metallic |
Wrapping Paper - Non-Metallic |
Yard Trimmings & Plant Debris | Separate for organics drop-off |