Welcome to RE:Source! Your online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the Bay Area. Although we do our best to stay up-to-date, information is constantly changing and we encourage you to call ahead to verify hours and availability.
Options Recovery Services - Berkeley - 1835 Allston Way
Options Recovery Services
1835 Allston Way, Berkeley, California 94703
510-666-9552 x123
Accepts gently used furnishings, appliances and housing items. Bring items to Options' Allston Way office on Friday afternoons. Contact Housing Director Barbara Madeiros for details.
Item | Notes | Method | Destination |
Houseware - Working | Contact Housing Director for current needs. Accepts housing items, appliances and used furnishings. |
Linens/Blankets/Towels - Good Condition | Contact Housing Director for current needs. Accepts furnishings and housing items. |
Small Household Appliances - Working | Contact Housing Director for current needs. Accepts appliances and housing items. |