Welcome to RE:Source! Your online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the Bay Area. Although we do our best to stay up-to-date, information is constantly changing and we encourage you to call ahead to verify hours and availability.
FabMo - Sunnyvale - 1240 Birchwood Drive
Email to coordinate drop-off time.
See website for public shopping hours.
Find. A source for unique, designer materials including discontinued textiles (leather, suede, samples), wallpaper, yarns, mosaic tiles, and tile. Many items come from the Design Center. FabMo is open for monthly 3-day Selection Events, some special events, and by pre-arrangement. Phone goes to voicemail and returned by volunteers. Volunteer run non-profit. See Intake Guidelines. Ask about the Teacher kits and discounts. Contact for tours.
Item | Notes | Method | Destination |
Arts and Crafts Supplies & Materials | Decorator fabric or home sewing garment weight fabric Fabric on bolts. All fabric must be clean, no stains, no smells (perfume, pets, smoke, mustiness, long-term storage, or mothballs). All fabric must be ½ yard or larger, except for never-used pre-folded quilting “Fat Quarters. Books on crafts and sewing, some magazines considered. Notions: untangled thread, buttons, ribbons, zippers, working scissors, tape, etc.. Yarn: untangled, no smells. Knitting and crocheting needles and supplies in good condition. Sewing and craft patterns in good condition. Needlepoint kits and supplies, but NO partially completed projects. Craft or art papers, undamaged and unused wallpapers. |
Books - Soft Cover | Books on crafts and sewing, some magazines considered. |
Sewing Machine - Working | Must work well. Fabmo cannot pay to have them repaired. |
Textiles - Good Condition/Size | Decorator or home sewing garment weight fabric, fabric on bolts. Must be clean - no stains, smells (inc. mothballs or pets, long-term storage). Must be 1/2 yd or larger, except for \"never-used\" pre-folded \"quilting Fat Quarters.\". No garments, linens, or such. |