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EBMUD (East Bay Municipal Utility District) - Oakland - 2020 Wake Ave
EBMUD (East Bay Municipal Utility District)
24/7, 365 days
Residential drop-off of used cooking oil. Commercial waste - Accepted Waste Streams from Trucked Waste: Animal Processing Waste Animal Blood (Beef, Poultry, Sheep, Swine/Pig) Beverage Processing Waste (Beer, Dairy, Juice, Spirits) Brine Waste / Gray Water (Reverse Osmosis (RO) Reject, Boiler Blowdown, Cooling Towers) Dairy DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) Domestic Septage / Septic Tank Cleanouts Equipment Rinsate (Clean-in-Place (CIP) Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) / Inedible Kitchen Grease / Grease Traps Food Processing (Liquids and Solids) Waste and Expired or Off-Specification Product Groundwater / Stormwater Industrial / Commerical Process Waste Liquid Organic Municipal Water and Wastewater Sludge Pharmaceutical Portable Toilets / Chemical Toilets Rendering Facility Waste Winery Waste (Lagoon/Pond, WineLees, Wine & Juice Product, Barrel/Tank Rinsate (wash water), acid/caustic rinse water, boiler blowdown, water softener concentrate, cooling tower blowdown). Treatment Rates & Permit Fees 510-287-1632, rrwaste@ebmud.com, www.ebmud.com/wastewater/commercial-waste/trucked-waste
Item | Notes | Method | Destination |
Cooking Oil/Grease/Fats | EBMUD residential customers can to use our self-service receptacle. Residential cooking oil and grease only – no other wastes. Pour cooking oil in the receptacle and recycle your container at home. Upon arrival, the guard will direct you to the receptacle. Open 24/7. Do not mix with automotive wastes. For solid grease disposal bring something to scrape the grease from your container into the receptacle. If grease is frozen it is best to bring it to room temperature prior to disposal. For COMMERCIAL quantity, there is a fee for drop off; pick up services. Contact EBMUD. |
Dead Animals | Commercial quantity. Animal Processing Waste, Animal Blood (Beef, Poultry, Sheep, Swine/Pig) |
Food Scraps | Commercial quantity. Animal Processing Waste, Animal Blood (Beef, Poultry, Sheep, Swine/Pig) |
Packaged Foodgrade Liquids | Commercial quantity. Winery Waste Management Program. Offer a complete disposal program including analytical lab services, coordination with haulers, facility waste stream audits. Wine and juice products, barrel wash water, wine lees, process wastewater screenings, pond sludge, cooling tower blowdown, water softener concentrate, ion exchange reject, boiler blowdown, acid/caustic rinse water |