Welcome to RE:Source! Your online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the Bay Area. Although we do our best to stay up-to-date, information is constantly changing and we encourage you to call ahead to verify hours and availability.
7-G Recycling - Milpitaas - 1180 Ames Ave
7-G Recycling
7th Generation Recycling is a for profit company. Contact them to find a business that hosts a drop-off bin, or hold a collection event. Your Organization can earn Money to help fund your Favorite Programs or Donate to your Favorite Cause. Our goal is to improve the environment, raise awareness about the need for textile recycling and to help raise funds for local charities, non-profits, religious organizations, school programs and local small businesses. The textiles are shipped to our warehouse where they are graded (grade A,B,C,D from best to worst) and sorted (different sizes, and genders) then baled and shipped via ocean container to countries that desperately need second hand clothes. Material that is wet or mildewed from any liquid is not acceptable. Rubber, plastic toys, carpets, floor mats are not acceptable. 7-G ships the clothing to their partner in Central America (Megapaca) where clothes are sorted. Reusable items are then placed in local Megapaca stores and items that can't be reused are sent to a Megapaca subsidiary, Nova Fiber, to be converted to shoddy fiber and turned into new products (e.g., mattress padding, carpet underlay).
Item | Notes | Method | Destination |
Clothing - Good Condition |
Clothing - Undergarments - Good condition |
Clothing - Undergarments - Poor Condition |
Linens/Blankets/Towels - Good Condition |
Linens/Blankets/Towels - Poor Condition |
Shoes - Good Condition |
Shoes - Poor Condition | Contact them to find a business that hosts a drop-off bin, or hold a collection event. |
Shoes - Poor Condition |
Stuffed Animals | Poor condition |