Guide for Reuse, Repair, Recycling, and Safe Disposal
for Alameda County, Contra Costa County, and the City of Palo Alto

Welcome to RE:Source! Your online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the Bay Area. Although we do our best to stay up-to-date, information is constantly changing and we encourage you to call ahead to verify hours and availability.

Batteries - Household - Rechargeable (up to 5 lbs)

This item is hazardous and requires proper disposal.

Find more information on our Battery Fact Sheet.


Additional Online Resources for Batteries - Household - Rechargeable (up to 5 lbs)

  • Call2Recycle Battery Drop-off Location Finder -
    Accept all dry-cell rechargeable batteries weighing up to 11 lbs, such as Ni-Cd, Li-Ion, SSLA/Pb, Ni-MH, Ni-ZN. Also take undamaged e-bike batteries (separate search on their location finder).
  • Central Contra Costa Household Battery Recycling Program -
  • GreenDisk -
  • Lighting Resources Recyclers (EZ on the Earth) -
  • West Contra Costa Battery Recycling Program (WCCIWMA) -
  • Battery Solutions -
  • Retriev Technologies -
    Big Green Box Program for Alkaline, Nickel Cadmium, Nickel-Metal Hydride, Lead Acid, Lithium Ion and Primary Lithium for corporations, consumers, schools, government agencies and anyone.
  • g2Revolution -
    Lantern Batteries, Alkaline Batteries, Rechargeable Lithium, NICAD, NIMH, Carbon-Zinc
  • Redwood Materials -
    Redwood Consumer Program accepts any rechargeable devices with a lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion batteries shipped by ground transportation only. Each battery should be placed in its own clear plastic bag (produce or sandwich bag will do) or tape the terminals with a packing, electrical or duct tape. Find what batteries they accept:
  • Cirba Solutions (Mark Steadman) -
    Sells We Recycle Kits to collect and mail back batteries.

RE:Source is an online directory for reuse, repair and proper disposal options for the California East Bay area and Palo Alto. Our goal is to connect you with the best options for what you need to get rid of or repair. Please note that we do not accept any items directly.

If you have questions or feedback about this directory, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

Additional Tools

  • Item Search
  • Vendor Search
  • Information for Vendors

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Brought to you by A public agency reducing waste in Alameda County since 1976.